Ideal Protein Protocol
Frequently asked questions related to the Ideal Protein Protocol.
- Are IP Water Enhancers unlimited?
- Are all tofu flavors allowed on the protocol?
- Is Redmond Salt still recommended?
- Why were vegetables not added to the photos on the Phase Sheets?
- Do supplements have to be taken at lunch?
- Why is pork not included on the Macros Protein sheet?
- For people doing Phase 1 only for 2 weeks, do they also need to start carbs at 40 in stabilization and go up to 50 max?
- What’s an energy gap?
- Are there science support documents? Our clinics will ask for this regarding the new phases to support the categorization of the 3 macros and net carb increase approach?
- What to do when a client says, "I hate to plan!" ?
- Clarification on guidelines for those who are doing a tune up, especially as that’s now recommended twice a year. Is a full 7-day step down necessary? For example, someone doing a tune up loses 12 pounds. Best way to stabilize?
- What are the recommendations for exercise in stabilization?